
Discover my technical background as well as the places I've been working on!

I study Computer Systems Engineering at ESCOM - IPN since 2016 expecting my graduation at June 2021, here I started an specialization on AI.

Job Experience

Data Engineer/Data Analyst at Data Science Labs (CIC - IPN) from February to September 2020.Were I developed data visualizations, data wrangling and maintenance of the data infraestructure of a local project called PlanBike, as well as some labours of research.


MLH Season 2018

  • HackESCOM 2018 (3rd Prize Awarded)

MLH Season 2019

  • PoliHacks 2019
  • PolyThon 2019

More Hackathons

  • IBM Camptech 2020

Check out my GitHub and LinkedIn profile!